

Set log level.

Set the general log level. Use one of the levels supported by python logging, i.e.: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL

Examples using moabb.set_log_level#

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint
Load Model (Scikit, Keras) with MOABB

Load Model (Scikit, Keras) with MOABB

Load Model (Scikit, Keras) with MOABB
Convert a MOABB dataset to BIDS

Convert a MOABB dataset to BIDS

Convert a MOABB dataset to BIDS
Hinss2021 classification example

Hinss2021 classification example

Hinss2021 classification example
Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.

Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.

Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.
Benchmarking on MOABB with Tensorflow deep net architectures

Benchmarking on MOABB with Tensorflow deep net architectures

Benchmarking on MOABB with Tensorflow deep net architectures
Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search

Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search

Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search
Cross-Session Motor Imagery

Cross-Session Motor Imagery

Cross-Session Motor Imagery
Cross-Session on Multiple Datasets

Cross-Session on Multiple Datasets

Cross-Session on Multiple Datasets
Cross-Subject SSVEP

Cross-Subject SSVEP

Cross-Subject SSVEP
Cache on disk intermediate data processing states

Cache on disk intermediate data processing states

Cache on disk intermediate data processing states
Fixed interval windows processing

Fixed interval windows processing

Fixed interval windows processing
Within Session P300

Within Session P300

Within Session P300
Within Session SSVEP

Within Session SSVEP

Within Session SSVEP
FilterBank CSP versus CSP

FilterBank CSP versus CSP

FilterBank CSP versus CSP
MNE Epochs-based pipelines

MNE Epochs-based pipelines

MNE Epochs-based pipelines
Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis
Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve
Within Session Motor Imagery with Learning Curve

Within Session Motor Imagery with Learning Curve

Within Session Motor Imagery with Learning Curve
Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve
Tutorial 0: Getting Started

Tutorial 0: Getting Started

Tutorial 0: Getting Started
Tutorial 1: Simple Motor Imagery

Tutorial 1: Simple Motor Imagery

Tutorial 1: Simple Motor Imagery
Tutorial 2: Using multiple datasets

Tutorial 2: Using multiple datasets

Tutorial 2: Using multiple datasets
Tutorial 3: Benchmarking multiple pipelines

Tutorial 3: Benchmarking multiple pipelines

Tutorial 3: Benchmarking multiple pipelines