MOABB Examples#

Explore quick, practical examples that demonstrate MOABB’s key modules and techniques.

Use these concise code samples as inspiration for your own analysis tasks.

For additional details, see the Getting Started tutorials or API reference.

The rest of the MOABB documentation pages are shown in the navigation menu, including the list of example datasets, how to cite MOABB, and explanations of the external library dependencies that MOABB uses, including Deep Learning, Code Carbon, Docs and others.


Getting Started!#

Tutorials: Step-by-step introductions to MOABB’s usage and concepts. These cover getting started with MOABB, using multiple datasets, benchmarking pipelines, and adding custom datasets in line with best practices for reproducible research.

Each tutorial focuses on a fundamental workflow for using moabb in your research!

Tutorial 0: Getting Started

Tutorial 0: Getting Started

Tutorial 1: Simple Motor Imagery

Tutorial 1: Simple Motor Imagery

Tutorial 2: Using multiple datasets

Tutorial 2: Using multiple datasets

Tutorial 3: Benchmarking multiple pipelines

Tutorial 3: Benchmarking multiple pipelines

Tutorial 4: Creating a dataset class

Tutorial 4: Creating a dataset class

Tutorial 5: Creating a dataset class

Tutorial 5: Creating a dataset class

Paradigm-Specific Evaluation Examples (Within- & Cross-Session)#

These examples demonstrate how to evaluate BCI algorithms on different paradigms (Motor Imagery, P300, SSVEP), covering within-session (training and testing on the same session) and transfer scenarios like cross-session or cross-subject evaluations. They reflect best practices in assessing model generalization across sessions and subjects in EEG research.

Cross-Session Motor Imagery

Cross-Session Motor Imagery

Cross-Session on Multiple Datasets

Cross-Session on Multiple Datasets

Cross-Subject SSVEP

Cross-Subject SSVEP

Changing epoch size in P300 VR dataset

Changing epoch size in P300 VR dataset

Within Session P300

Within Session P300

Within Session SSVEP

Within Session SSVEP

Data Management and Configuration#

Utility examples focused on data handling, configuration, and environment setup in MOABB. These scripts help ensure reproducible research through proper data management (download directories, standard formats) and optimized processing.

Load Model (Scikit) with MOABB

Load Model (Scikit) with MOABB

Convert a MOABB dataset to BIDS

Convert a MOABB dataset to BIDS

Change Download Directory

Change Download Directory

Cache on disk intermediate data processing states

Cache on disk intermediate data processing states

Explore Paradigm Object

Explore Paradigm Object

Fixed interval windows processing

Fixed interval windows processing

Benchmarking and Pipeline Evaluation#

Examples focusing on running benchmarks and comparing multiple models or configurations, following MOABB’s evaluation methodology. These scripts reflect EEG decoding best practices by evaluating algorithms under consistent conditions and tracking performance (and even resource usage).

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint

Benchmarking with MOABB showing the CO2 footprint

Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.

Examples of how to use MOABB to benchmark pipelines.

Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search

Benchmarking with MOABB with Grid Search

Advanced examples#

These examples show various advanced topics:

  • using scikit-learn pipeline with MNE inputs

  • selecting electrodes or resampling signal

  • using filterbank approach in motor imagery

  • apply statistics for meta-analysis

  • using a gridsearch in within-subject decoding

Examples of analysis of a Dreyer2023 A dataset.

Examples of analysis of a Dreyer2023 A dataset.

FilterBank CSP versus CSP

FilterBank CSP versus CSP

GridSearch within a session

GridSearch within a session

Hinss2021 classification example

Hinss2021 classification example

MNE Epochs-based pipelines

MNE Epochs-based pipelines

Spectral analysis of the trials

Spectral analysis of the trials

Select Electrodes and Resampling

Select Electrodes and Resampling

Statistical Analysis

Statistical Analysis

Evaluation with learning curve#

These examples demonstrate how to make evaluations using only a subset of available example. For example, if you consider a dataset with 100 trials for each class, you could evaluate several pipelines by using only a fraction of these trials. To ensure the robustness of the results, you need to specify the number of permutations. If you use 10 trials per class and 20 permutations, each pipeline will be evaluated on a subset of 10 trials chosen randomly, that will be repeated 20 times with different trial subsets.

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

Within Session Motor Imagery with Learning Curve

Within Session Motor Imagery with Learning Curve

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

Within Session P300 with Learning Curve

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