FilterBank CSP versus CSP#

This example show a comparison of CSP versus FilterBank CSP on the very popular dataset 2a from the BCI competition IV.

# Authors: Alexandre Barachant <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from mne.decoding import CSP
from sklearn.discriminant_analysis import LinearDiscriminantAnalysis as LDA
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline

import moabb
from moabb.datasets import BNCI2014_001
from moabb.evaluations import CrossSessionEvaluation
from moabb.paradigms import FilterBankLeftRightImagery, LeftRightImagery
from moabb.pipelines.utils import FilterBank


Create Pipelines#

The CSP implementation from MNE is used. We selected 8 CSP components, as usually done in the literature.

The second pipeline is the filter bank CSP. We use the FilterBank object with a CSP estimator. We set up the CSP to 4 components, to compensate for the higher dimensionality.

The two pipelines will be applied on two different paradigm, so they have their own dict.

pipelines = {}
pipelines["CSP+LDA"] = make_pipeline(CSP(n_components=8), LDA())

pipelines_fb = {}
pipelines_fb["FBCSP+LDA"] = make_pipeline(FilterBank(CSP(n_components=4)), LDA())


Since two different preprocessing will be applied, we have two different paradigm objects. We have to make sure their filter matches so the comparison will be fair.

The first one is a standard LeftRightImagery with a 8 to 35 Hz broadband filter.

The second is a FilterBankLeftRightImagery with a bank of 2 filters, ranging from 8 to 35 Hz.

# Because this is being auto-generated we only use 2 subjects
dataset = BNCI2014_001()
dataset.subject_list = dataset.subject_list[:2]
datasets = [dataset]
overwrite = False  # set to True if we want to overwrite cached results

# broadband filters
fmin = 8
fmax = 35
paradigm = LeftRightImagery(fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax)
evaluation = CrossSessionEvaluation(
    paradigm=paradigm, datasets=datasets, suffix="examples", overwrite=overwrite
results = evaluation.process(pipelines)

# Bank of 2 filters
filters = [[8, 24], [16, 32]]
paradigm = FilterBankLeftRightImagery(filters=filters)
evaluation = CrossSessionEvaluation(
    paradigm=paradigm, datasets=datasets, suffix="examples", overwrite=overwrite
results_fb = evaluation.process(pipelines_fb)
BNCI2014-001-CrossSession:   0%|          | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s]Subject 1 already processed

BNCI2014-001-CrossSession:   0%|          | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

BNCI2014-001-CrossSession:   0%|          | 0/2 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")

BNCI2014-001-CrossSession:  50%|#####     | 1/2 [00:06<00:06,  6.29s/it]/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")
/home/runner/work/moabb/moabb/moabb/datasets/ UserWarning: warnEpochs <Epochs |  24 events (all good), 2 – 6 s, baseline off, ~4.1 MB, data loaded,
 'left_hand': 12
 'right_hand': 12>
  warn(f"warnEpochs {epochs}")

BNCI2014-001-CrossSession: 100%|##########| 2/2 [00:12<00:00,  6.19s/it]
BNCI2014-001-CrossSession: 100%|##########| 2/2 [00:12<00:00,  6.20s/it]

After processing the two, we simply concatenate the results.

results = pd.concat([results, results_fb])

Plot Results#

Here we plot the results via seaborn. We first display a pointplot with the average performance of each pipeline across session and subjects. The second plot is a paired scatter plot. Each point representing the score of a single session. An algorithm will outperform another is most of the points are in its quadrant.

fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=[8, 4], sharey=True)

sns.pointplot(data=results, y="score", x="pipeline", ax=axes[0], palette="Set1")

axes[0].set_ylabel("ROC AUC")
axes[0].set_ylim(0.5, 1)

# paired plot
paired = results.pivot_table(
    values="score", columns="pipeline", index=["subject", "session"]
paired = paired.reset_index()

sns.regplot(data=paired, y="FBCSP+LDA", x="CSP+LDA", ax=axes[1], fit_reg=False)
axes[1].plot([0, 1], [0, 1], ls="--", c="k")
axes[1].set_xlim(0.5, 1)
plot filterbank csp vs csp

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 14.519 seconds)

Estimated memory usage: 398 MB

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery