Moabb and docker#

If you want to use the docker image pre-build#

Moabb has a default image to run the benchmark. You have two options to download this image: build from scratch or pull from the docker hub. We recommend pulling from the docker hub.

If this were your first time using docker, you would need to install the docker and login on docker hub. We recommend the official docker documentation for this step, it is essential to follow the instructions.

After installing docker, you can pull the image from the docker hub:

docker pull baristimunha/moabb
# rename the tag to moabb
docker tag baristimunha/moabb moabb

If you want to build the image from scratch, you can use the following command at the root. You may have to login with the API key in the NGC Catalog to run this command.

bash docker/

With the image downloaded or rebuilt from scratch, you will have an image called moabb. To run the default benchmark, still at the root of the project, and you can use the following command:

mkdir dataset
mkdir results
mkdir output
bash docker/ PATH_TO_ROOT_FOLDER

An example of the command is:

cd /home/user/project/moabb
mkdir dataset
mkdir results
mkdir output
bash docker/ /home/user/project/moabb

Note: It is important to use an absolute path for the root folder to run, but you can modify the script to save in another path beyond the root of the project. By default, the script will save the results in the project’s root in the folder results, the datasets in the folder dataset and the output in the folder output.