Architecture and Main Concepts#

There are 4 main concepts in the MOABB: the datasets, the paradigm, the evaluation, and the pipelines. In addition, we offer statistical and visualization utilities to simplify the workflow.
A dataset handles and abstracts low-level access to the data. The dataset will read data stored locally, in the format in which they have been downloaded, and will convert them into an MNE raw object. There are options to pool all the different recording sessions per subject or to evaluate them separately.
A paradigm defines how the raw data will be converted to trials ready to be processed by a decoding algorithm. This is a function of the paradigm used, i.e. in motor imagery one can have two-class, multi-class, or continuous paradigms; similarly, different preprocessing is necessary for ERP vs ERD paradigms.
An evaluation defines how we go from trials per subject and session to a generalization statistic (AUC score, f-score, accuracy, etc) – it can be either within-recording-session accuracy, across-session within-subject accuracy, across-subject accuracy, or other transfer learning settings.
Pipeline defines all steps required by an algorithm to obtain predictions. Pipelines are typically a chain of sklearn compatible transformers and end with a sklearn compatible estimator. See Pipelines for more info.
Statistics and visualization#
Once an evaluation has been run, the raw results are returned as a DataFrame. This can be further processed via the following commands to generate some basic visualization and statistical comparisons:
from moabb.analysis import analyze
results = evaluation.process(pipeline_dict)