
class moabb.datasets.fake.FakeDataset(event_list=('fake1', 'fake2', 'fake3'), n_sessions=2, n_runs=2, n_subjects=10, code='FakeDataset', paradigm='imagery', channels=('C3', 'Cz', 'C4'), seed=None, sfreq=128, duration=120, n_events=60, stim=True, annotations=False)[source]#

Fake Dataset for test purpose.

By default, the dataset has 2 sessions, 10 subjects, and 3 classes.

  • event_list (list or tuple of str) – List of event to generate, default: (“fake1”, “fake2”, “fake3”)

  • n_sessions (int, default 2) – Number of session to generate

  • n_runs (int, default 2) – Number of runs to generate

  • n_subjects (int, default 10) – Number of subject to generate

  • paradigm (['p300','imagery', 'ssvep']) – Defines what sort of dataset this is

  • channels (list or tuple of str) – List of channels to generate, default (“C3”, “Cz”, “C4”)

  • duration (float or list of float) – Duration of each run in seconds. If float, same duration for all runs. If list, duration for each run.

  • n_events (int or list of int) – Number of events per run. If int, same number of events for all runs. If list, number of events for each run.

  • stim (bool) – If True, pass events through stim channel.

  • annotations (bool) –

    If True, pass events through Annotations.

    Added in version 0.4.3.

data_path(subject, path=None, force_update=False, update_path=None, verbose=None)[source]#

Get path to local copy of a subject data.

  • subject (int) – Number of subject to use

  • path (None | str) – Location of where to look for the data storing location. If None, the environment variable or config parameter MNE_DATASETS_(dataset)_PATH is used. If it doesn’t exist, the “~/mne_data” directory is used. If the dataset is not found under the given path, the data will be automatically downloaded to the specified folder.

  • force_update (bool) – Force update of the dataset even if a local copy exists.

  • update_path (bool | None Deprecated) – If True, set the MNE_DATASETS_(dataset)_PATH in mne-python config to the given path. If None, the user is prompted.

  • verbose (bool, str, int, or None) – If not None, override default verbose level (see mne.verbose()).


path – Local path to the given data file. This path is contained inside a list of length one, for compatibility.

Return type:

list of str