- class moabb.datasets.Rodrigues2017[source]#
Alphawaves dataset
Dataset summary
Trials length(s)
#Blocks / class
Dataset containing EEG recordings of subjects in a simple resting-state eyes open/closed experimental protocol. Data were recorded during a pilot experiment taking place in the GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France, in 2017 [1].
Dataset Description
This experiment was conducted to provide a simple yet reliable set of EEG signals carrying very distinct signatures on each experimental condition. It can be useful for researchers and students looking for an EEG dataset to perform tests with signal processing and machine learning algorithms.
A total of 20 volunteers participated in the experiment (7 females), with mean (sd) age 25.8 (5.27) and median 25.5. 18 subjects were between 19 and 28 years old. Two participants with age 33 and 44 were outside this range.
EEG signals were acquired using a standard research grade amplifier (g.USBamp, g.tec, Schiedlberg, Austria) and the EC20 cap equipped with 16 wet electrodes (EasyCap, Herrsching am Ammersee, Germany), placed according to the 10-20 international system. We acquired the data with no digital filter and a sampling frequency of 512Hz was used.
Each participant underwent one session consisting of ten blocks of ten seconds of EEG data recording. Five blocks were recorded while a subject was keeping his eyes closed (condition 1) and the others while his eyes were open (condition 2). The two conditions were alternated. Before the onset of each block, the subject was asked to close or open his eyes according to the experimental condition.
We supply an online and open-source example working with Python [2].
[1]G. Cattan, P. L. Coelho Rodrigues, and M. Congedo, ‘EEG Alpha Waves Dataset’, 2018. Available:
[2]Rodrigues PLC. Alpha-Waves-Dataset [Internet]. Grenoble: GIPSA-lab; 2018. Available from: plcrodrigues/Alpha-Waves-Dataset
Added in version 1.1.0.
- data_path(subject, path=None, force_update=False, update_path=None, verbose=None)[source]#
Get path to local copy of a subject data.
- Parameters:
subject (int) – Number of subject to use
path (None | str) – Location of where to look for the data storing location. If None, the environment variable or config parameter
is used. If it doesn’t exist, the “~/mne_data” directory is used. If the dataset is not found under the given path, the data will be automatically downloaded to the specified folder.force_update (bool) – Force update of the dataset even if a local copy exists.
update_path (bool | None Deprecated) – If True, set the MNE_DATASETS_(dataset)_PATH in mne-python config to the given path. If None, the user is prompted.
verbose (bool, str, int, or None) – If not None, override default verbose level (see
- Returns:
path – Local path to the given data file. This path is contained inside a list of length one, for compatibility.
- Return type: