
class moabb.datasets.ErpCore2021_ERN[source]#

ERN events of the ERP CORE dataset by Kappenman et al. 2020.

Dataset summary



#Trials / class


Trials length(s)




~400 All




Datasets [1] from the article [2].

Dataset Description

The ERP CORE dataset includes data from 40 neurotypical young adults (25 female, 15 male; Mean years of age = 21.5, SD = 2.87, Range 18–30; 38 right handed) from the University of California. Each participant had native English competence and normal color perception, normal or corrected-to-normal vision, and no history of neurological injury or disease (as indicated by self-report). They participated in six 10-minutes optimized experiments designed to measure seven widely used ERP components: N170, Mismatch Negativity (MMN), N2pc, N400, P3, Lateralized Readiness Potential (LRP), and Error-Related Negativity (ERN). These experiments were conducted to standardize ERP paradigms and protocols across studies.

Experimental procedure: A central arrowhead pointing to the left or right was flanked on both sides by arrowheads that pointed in the same direction (congruent trials) or the opposite direction (incongruent trials). Participants indicated the direction of the central arrowhead on each trial with a left- or right-hand buttonpress.

The continuous EEG was recorded using a Biosemi ActiveTwo recording system with active electrodes (Biosemi B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands). Recording from 30 scalp electrodes, mounted in an elastic cap and placed according to the International 10/20 System (FP1, F3, F7, FC3, C3, C5, P3, P7, P9, PO7, PO3, O1, Oz, Pz, CPz, FP2, Fz, F4, F8, FC4, FCz, Cz, C4, C6, P4, P8, P10, PO8, PO4, O2; see Supplementary Fig. S1). The common mode sense (CMS) electrode was located at PO1, and the driven right leg (DRL) electrode was located at PO2. The horizontal electrooculogram (HEOG) was recorded from electrodes placed lateral to the external canthus of each eye. The vertical electrooculogram (VEOG) was recorded from an electrode placed below the right eye. Signals were incidentally also recorded from 37 other sites, but these sites were not monitored during the recording and are not included in the ERP CORE data set. All signals were low-pass filtered using a fifth order sinc filter with a half-power cutoff at 204.8 Hz and then digitized at 1024 Hz with 24 bits of resolution. The signals were recorded in single-ended mode (i.e., measuring the voltage between the active and ground electrodes without the use of a reference), and referencing was performed offline.



Emily S. Kappenman, Jaclyn L. Farrens, Wendy Zhang, Andrew X. Stewart, Steven J. Luck. (2020). ERP CORE: An open resource for human event-related potential research. NeuroImage. DOI:


Emily S. Kappenman, Jaclyn L. Farrens, Wendy Zhang, Andrew X. Stewart, Steven J. Luck. ERP CORE: An open resource for human event-related potential research. DOI:

static encode_event(row)[source]#

Encode a single event values based on the task-specific criteria.


row (pd.Series) – A row of the events DataFrame.


Encoded event value.

Return type:



Encode the column value in the events DataFrame.


events_df (DataFrame) – DataFrame containing the events information.


A tuple containing the encoded event values and the mapping dictionary.

Return type:
