
class moabb.datasets.Dreyer2023C[source]#

Class for Dreyer2023C dataset management. MI dataset.

Dataset summary




#Trials / class

Trial length(s)














Dataset description

“A large EEG database with users’ profile information for motor imagery Brain-Computer Interface research” [1] [2].

Data collectorsAppriou Aurélien; Caselli Damien; Benaroch Camille;

Yamamoto Sayu Maria; Roc Aline; Lotte Fabien; Dreyer Pauline; Pillette Léa

Data manager : Dreyer Pauline Project leader : Lotte Fabien Project members : Rimbert Sébastien; Monseigne Thibaut

Dataset Dreyer2023C contains EEG, EOG and EMG signals recorded on 6 healthy subjects performing Left-Right Motor Imagery experiments (4 women) who participated in datasets A or B. In addition, for each recording the following pieces of information are provided: subject’s demographic, personality and cognitive profiles, the OpenViBE experimental instructions and codes, and experimenter’s gender.

A recording contains open and closed eyes baseline recordings and 6 runs of the MI experiments. First 2 runs (acquisition runs) were used to train system and the following 4 runs (training runs) to train the participant. Each run contained 40 trials [1].

Each trial was recorded as follows [1]:
  • t=0.00s cross displayed on screen

  • t=2.00s acoustic signal announced appearance of a red arrow

  • t=3.00s a red arrow appears (subject starts to perform task)

  • t=4.25s the red arrow disappears

  • t=4.25s the feedback on performance is given in form of a blue bar

    with update frequency of 16 Hz

  • t=8.00s cross turns off (subject stops to perform task)

EEG signals [1]:
  • recorded with 27 electrodes, namely: Fz, FCz, Cz, CPz, Pz, C1, C3, C5, C2, C4, C6, F4, FC2, FC4, FC6, CP2, CP4, CP6, P4, F3, FC1, FC3, FC5, CP1, CP3, CP5, P3 (10-20 system), referenced to the left earlobe.

EOG signals [1]:
  • recorded with 3 electrodes, namely: EOG1, EOG2, EOG3 placed below, above and on the side of one eye.

EMG signals [1]:
  • recorded with 2 electrodes, namely: EMGg, EMGd placed 2.5cm below the skinfold on each wrist.

Demographic and biosocial information includes:
  • gender, birth year, laterality

  • vision, vision assistance

  • familiarity to cognitive science or neurology, level of education

  • physical activity, meditation

  • attentional, neurological, psychiatrics symptoms

Personality and the cognitive profile [1]:
  • evaluated via 5th edition of the 16 Personality Factors (16PF5) test

  • and mental rotation test

  • index of learning style

Pre and post-experiment questionnaires [1]:
  • evaluation of pre and post mood, mindfulness and motivational states

The online OpenViBE BCI classification performance [1]:
  • only performance measure used to give the feedback to the participants


[1] (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)

Pillette, L., Roc, A., N’kaoua, B., & Lotte, F. (2021). Experimenters’ influence on mental-imagery based brain-computer interface user training. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 149, 102603.


Benaroch, C., Yamamoto, M. S., Roc, A., Dreyer, P., Jeunet, C., & Lotte, F. (2022). When should MI-BCI feature optimization include prior knowledge, and which one?. Brain-Computer Interfaces, 9(2), 115-128.