- class moabb.datasets.BI2012(Training=True, Online=False)[source]#
P300 dataset BI2012 from a “Brain Invaders” experiment.
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Dataset summary
#Trials / class
Trials length(s)
640 NT / 128 T
Dataset following the setup from [1] carried-out at University of Grenoble Alpes.
This dataset contains electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings of 25 subjects testing the Brain Invaders, a visual P300 Brain-Computer Interface inspired by the famous vintage video game Space Invaders (Taito, Tokyo, Japan). The visual P300 is an event-related potential elicited by a visual stimulation, peaking 240-600 ms after stimulus onset. EEG data were recorded by 16 electrodes in an experiment that took place in the GIPSA-lab, Grenoble, France, in 2012). A full description of the experiment is available in [1].
- Principal Investigator:
B.Sc. Gijsbrecht Franciscus Petrus Van Veen
- Technical Supervisors:
Ph.D. Alexandre Barachant, Eng. Anton Andreev, Eng. Grégoire Cattan, Eng. Pedro. L. C. Rodrigues
- Scientific Supervisor:
Ph.D. Marco Congedo
- ID of the dataset:
was previously namedbi2012
will be removed in version 1.1.Added in version 0.4.6.
- data_path(subject, path=None, force_update=False, update_path=None, verbose=None)[source]#
Get path to local copy of a subject data.
- Parameters:
subject (int) – Number of subject to use
path (None | str) – Location of where to look for the data storing location. If None, the environment variable or config parameter
is used. If it doesn’t exist, the “~/mne_data” directory is used. If the dataset is not found under the given path, the data will be automatically downloaded to the specified folder.force_update (bool) – Force update of the dataset even if a local copy exists.
update_path (bool | None Deprecated) – If True, set the MNE_DATASETS_(dataset)_PATH in mne-python config to the given path. If None, the user is prompted.
verbose (bool, str, int, or None) – If not None, override default verbose level (see
- Returns:
path – Local path to the given data file. This path is contained inside a list of length one, for compatibility.
- Return type: